are invited to deliver oral and poster presentations that cover all
aspects of Palaeontology. This year, the meeting will be organised in
four different workshops covering the following topics.
- Life in Palaeozoic: an overview of land and sea ecosystems.
- Palaeobiodiversity and evolution in the Mesozoic world.
- Tertiary ecosystems: evolution and palaeoenvironments.
- New insights on Quaternary ecosystems.
Works which do not fall into any of the categories above will be included in a General Palaeontology group.
should be original research or revision of topics with special
interests and relevance in Palaeontology. Abstracts for oral and poster
presentations can be submitted after registration (for more details, see our publication guidelines and template for abstracts). The deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 15th, 2016. Abstracts must be submitted as .doc or .docx file to
works will be peer-reviewed, and in case of very different
considerations by reviewers a member of the organizing committee will
decide. The organization will request the author’s name, institution and
e-mail adress of three possible reveiwers of their works, in order to
help the organizing committee in the assignment of suitable reviewers.
Presentations of the works would be made by an oral exposition or a poster:
- Poster: Maximum size will be 100 cm high and 75 cm wide (vertical orientation). Poster will be shown during the whole meeting, so all the interested people could ask the authors during coffee breaks.
- Oral communications: All ponents will have 10 minutes to explain their works, plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion. All works must be in Microsoft Power Point or Prezi. Before each exposition sesion, all the ponents will be requested to leave a copy of their presentation in the laptop of the organization.